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Modern Education Society’s Nowrosjee Wadia College caters to the Junior College (XI & XII) and Senior College (Graduation and Post-Graduation) in the science and arts stream. The college offers post graduate courses in some subjects of Arts and Science leading to the M.A., M.Sc. and M. Sc. (Computer Science) degrees of the Savitribai Phule Pune University.

The College has earned an enviable reputation in teaching and research in the Sciences as well as in the Humanities. The content of the Nowrosjee Wadia College courses is designed to satisfy the industry’s needs, and is constantly updated with inputs from alumni and industry. The well thought-out combination of our courses equips the students with the necessary skills-set to lead in the transition to sustainable business practices within corporates. Students have a wide range of subjects to choose from in the Junior College as well as in Senior College wings. For ease in locating the academic programs at various levels, courses are grouped under Arts and Science streams. Nowrosjee Wadia College conducts the classes right from Std. XI to Post Graduation. Certain departments are SPPU recognized research centers which provide research facilities leading to Ph.D.