
Student Associations

Nowrosjee Wadia College Student Associations


The Nowrosjee Wadia Alumni Association of the college is known as Wadians’ Association and has been active since 1958 and meeting regularly twice a year viz. on 21st July, the College Foundation Day and on 15th February, the Society Foundation Day.

Activities and support from the Alumni Association:

  • Keeping up with the current trends and technology, Wadians connect through the internet via the Alumni Page on Face book.
  • Alumni counsel the current students and provide placement information through talks.
  • Several alumni have come forward and instituted prizes for merit holders and other students. These prizes are given away during the Scholars’ Day and Gymkhana Day Prize Distributions.
  • Tree plantation programmes are carried out on the campus with special emphasis on Neem Tree Plantation periodically.
  • Participation in Blood Donation Camps in association with NSS/NCC.


    Coordinator:Dr. Mariam Noronha

    The Arts Association of the College was revived in the academic year 2016-17. The objective of having an Arts Association in a Commerce College is to organize various activities that will help our students to become sensitized towards art as a form of expression. We work with the premise that business is an art which demands creativity in problem solving, product design and development, team building and conflict resolution. As part of its activities the Arts Association conducts lecture series, workshops, poster making and visits to art galleries and studios.


    Coordinator: Ms. P. P. Dasture

    The debating society of the college was set up with the objective to inculcate debating spirit and improve the oratory and public speaking skills among the students. It organizes events, competitions, seminars, debates, quizzes, extempore and public reading events. Student re also prepared and encourage to participate in intercollegiate, state and national level events and competitions


    Coordinator: Ms. Pramila Dasture

    The History department of the college conducts Heritage walks to places of historical, social, architectural and architectural significance with the aim of spreading awareness of our rich and varied culture, building the History consciousness among the students


    Coordinator: Dr. V. T. Borkar

    The 'Louis Braille Writers’ Club has 60 members who help the blind students by reading out to them their texts and primarily working as writers for them during the college and university examinations. This club provides writers for the blind students of other colleges also. The club also organizes various activities for the blind students such as cultural programs, seminars and workshops.


    Coordinator: Dr. Poonam Ponde

    The Computer Science department of the college started this activity to inculcate problem solving skills and good programming practices among the students. Students are challenged to solve interesting problems and are encouraged to participate in programming competitions around the world.


    Coordinator:Prof. Priyadarshini M. Hapse

    The Foreign Students Association of the college has been instituted to organize and conduct activities to increase involvement of foreign students in the college. It is a forum for foreign students to come together, discuss, deliberate and benefit from lectures and workshops organized to cater to their needs.


    The College has 5 language associations which seek to enhance communication skills of the students by conducting various range of activities like discussions, debates and elocution. Various competitions in poetry recitation, essay writing, short story writing, etc provide students with the opportunity to learn and put their best foot forward. The common thread underlying each of these activities is to foster love for language and literature. All these associations provide a platform for students to exhibit their flare for writing and speaking and in the process master the language. Names of associations and teachers in-charge are as follows:

    Dr. Ravindra Mhasade : English Association-Staff-in-Charge

    The English Association is the most vibrant association in the college. The prime objective of the Association is to hone communicative competence of the students and foster knowledge, understanding and enjoyment of the English language and its literature. It is a body of around 50 students who are selected through a formal interview. The Association organises an orientation program for its members. The Association conducts a wide range of events like Group Discussion Competition, Elocution Competition, Wadian Katta and Golden Jubilee Trophy Debate Competition and workshops. Wadian Katta is an innovative forum for expressing views and ideas on current issues and topics. It grooms the overall personality of the students and makes them competent individuals.

    Dr. Shikha Tripathi : Hindi Association-Staff-in-Charge

    हिंदी एसोसिएशन द्वारा आयोजित हिंदी दिवस' दिनांक १४ सितम्बर २०१८ को हिंदी एसोसिएशन द्वारा हिंदी दिवस का आयोजन किया गया । श्रीमती अपर्णा कडसकर जी की अध्यक्षता में यह आयोजन संपन्न हआ । इस अवसर पर वाद विवाद निबंध लेखन और काव्य पाठ प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन किया गया।

    Dr. Latika Jadhav : Marathi Vangmay Mandal-Staff-in-Charge: Dr. Latika Jadhav

    We focus on developing spoken skills of students. Activities conducted by Marathi Wangmay Mandal (Marathi Literary Association) wallpaper Prerna and shabdotsav - A programme showcasing poetic talent of students’ recitation, elocution and debate. Students also participate in state & national level competition organized by various colleges and institutions. Marathi Literary Association taken various Activities Elocution, Poetry Reading, Story Writing, Singing, Group Discussion etc.

    Mrs Smita S. Kunde :French association-Staff-in-Charge

    Knowing the importance of the French language in current era of globalization, the Ness Wadia College of Commerce has created a French association. The French association aims to equip the students with French language skills. The study not only introduces but also facilitates an experience of different aspects of life, culture in France. The association organizes various activities for the students during the year. The activities are such as singing competition, chart making, quiz and documentaries show etc. to make learning an overall and complete experience.

    Ms. Shruti Karambelkar : German Association-Staff-in-Charge

    In today’s era of globalization, multilingualism has become very important. Learning a foreign language is a value addition, as it provides a competitive edge in career choices. German language has completed a journey of a century to become the most-preferred foreign language in Pune because of the rich history and the infinite opportunities it provides. Knowing the importance of learning German, “The German Language Association” of Ness Wadia College of Commerce aims to cultivate and encourage German language learning, develop an intercultural communication and motivate the student by organizing various curricular and co-curricular activities to learn german language.



    The Samata Mandal is a platform to promote social equality and highlight social and cultural issues through lectures, debates and discussions. Invited talks and competitions are organized on birth and death anniversaries of luminaries and stalwarts across the spectrum. This platform works to enlighten and sensitize our students about socio-cultural issues.

    Objectives :-

    To inculcate values of Unity, Equality, Fraternity, Social justice, Secularism and Humanity and other principles and values enshrined in the Constitution of India amongst the students, through various activities. To create confidence amongst the students’ coming from lower strata of the society and sensitize them on various social issues. To enhance students linguistic skills, soft skills and make them capable of facing the challenges of the contemporary world.