
Department of Economics

About the Department

The department of economics is one of the oldest in the institution with a rich legacy of the faculty and a good strength of students at undergraduate and post graduate level. The department offers B.A. [economics]and M.A. [economics] courses run by the Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.
It also conducts various academic and extra-curricular activities for the students. The faculty is well qualified and are keen on research. They motivate the students for extra reading, classroom activities and research work along with the regular course work.

The department is offering a revised and modified syllabi for its autonomous courses (F.Y. B.A. & B.Sc., S.Y. B.A., T.Y. B.A. and M.A. –I and II). The syllabus is designed to make it globally competitive and more relevant which would enhance the employability skills of our students. The syllabus provides a continuous and comprehensive insight in the subject knowledge to our students. Students are offered a research project as a compulsory course at the Post Graduate level. They can also acquire mandatory and extra credits through inter-disciplinary studies. They can also join internships & hands on training and can attend seminars, conferences and workshops to add a practical touch to their subject knowledge.

The department also organizes various extra and co-curricular activities such as Guest Lectures, Field Work, Class Seminars, Group Discussions, Presentations, Debates, celebrations of the Teachers’ Day, Welcome and Farewell to students, etc. Moreover, the department organizes monthly ‘Academic Club’ where faculty members discuss various current and ongoing economic as well as non-economic issues.

The department also publishes its own House Magazine ‘Economica’ every year, where various articles and research papers are contributed by faculties and students in and outside the department. The department also organizes annual fest which contains Fun and Learn activities such as Crossword, Quiz, Mock Stock Stimulator Game, etc. to motivate the students.

The department maintains a good collection of reference books and journals in the department library for the faculty and students.

Year of Establishment :

  • UG - 1937
  • PG - 1981

  • Legacy

    The department has a very rich legacy of its faculty of great academicians and renowned economists since its inception. This is our pride list of the faculties in the past.

    Late Dr. S. S. M. Desai, Former HOD.
    Dr. Santosh Dastane, Former HOD & Vice Prin.
    Dr. N. B. Sapre, Former Prin.
    Late Prof. S. R. Walunjkar, Former HOD.

    Renowned Guest Speakers

    Dr. Colin Clark, Eminent Economist (USA)
    Dr. Dhananjayrao Gadgil (Leading Force in Co-operative Movement)

    Courses conducted by the department

    CourseClassCourses / Papers
    B.A. (Economics)F.Y.B.A.Indian Economy Environment
    S.Y.B.A.Financial System , Micro Economics
    Macro Economics
    Basic concepts of research methodology
    T.Y.B.A.Indian Economic Development
    International Economics
    Public Finance
    Business Management
    Research Project
    M.A. (Economics)M.A. I (Sem. I & II) Micro Economic Analysis I & II
    International Trade
    International Finance
    Public Economics I & II
    Indian Economic Policy, Agriculture Economics
    Mathematical Economics, Statistical Techniques
    M.A. II (Sem. III & IV)
  • Qualified and dedicated teachers
  • Authorized Marathi / English medium divisions
  • Rich Library collection in the central as well as Department Library
  • Good Strength of Students including students from many countries
  • Regular Extra-Curricular Activities
  • Well Maintained Administrative Records
  • Innovative and Interactive teaching methods are used such as Group Discussions, Mini Research Projects, News Analysis, Field Visits, Class Seminars, Study Tours, Wall Magazine, Guest Lectures, Film Show etc.
  • Introduction of optional papers such as Environmental Economics and Quantitative Techniques at UG and PG level
  • Special Guidance to International, Needy and Visually Impaired Students
  • Celebration of Teacher’s Day, Fresher’s Party, Farewell on regular basis.
  • The department has a library consisting of around 200 books and 30 journals related to economics for students and faculty.
  • Most of these books are donated by the faculties, students and well-wishers.
  • The department also regularly prepares a house periodical, wall-magazines and scrap books, made out of newspaper cuttings for the benefit of the students.


  • Possibilities for tie-ups, linkages with national and international universities, institutions for enhancing practical knowledge of the students
  • Self-financed short courses on stock markets, banking etc. can be conducted
  • Empirical Studies / surveys can be carried on in the field of rural development, consumer behavior etc. Macro-Economic Analysis I & II
    Growth & Development I & II
    Modern Banking
    Research Methodology& Research Project
    Demography, Economics of Finance,
    Rural Development, Economics of Environment
  • Department Highlights

  • Qualified and dedicated teachers
  • Authorized Marathi / English medium divisions
  • Rich Library collection in the central as well as Department Library
  • Good Strength of Students including students from many countries
  • Regular Extra-Curricular Activities
  • Well Maintained Administrative Records
  • Innovative and Interactive teaching methods are used such as Group Discussions, Mini Research Projects, News Analysis, Field Visits, Class Seminars, Study Tours, Wall Magazine, Guest Lectures, Film Show etc.
  • Introduction of optional papers such as Environmental Economics and Quantitative Techniques at UG and PG level
  • Special Guidance to International, Needy and Visually Impaired Students
  • Celebration of Teacher’s Day, Fresher’s Party, Farewell on regular basis.
  • The department has a library consisting of around 200 books and 30 journals related to economics for students and faculty.
  • Most of these books are donated by the faculties, students and well-wishers.
  • The department also regularly prepares a house periodical, wall-magazines and scrap books, made out of news paper cuttings for the benefit of the students.


  • Possibilities for tie-ups, linkages with national and international universities, institutions for enhancing practical knowledge of the students
  • Self-financed short courses on stock markets, banking etc. can be conducted
  • Empirical Studies or surveys can be carried on in the field of rural development, consumer behavior etc.

  • Head of department

    Prof. Dr. Manjusha Musmade

    Head, Department of Economics

    Professor in Economics

    M.A., NET, M.Phil. & Ph.D.

    View Profile

    Senior College

    Name of FacultyDesignationProfile link
    Prof. Dr. Manjusha MusmadeHead & ProfessorView Profile
    Mrs. Sonali More – MadhaleAssociate Professor View Profile
    Ms. Iramani BhuyanAssistant ProfessorView Profile
    Dr. Chaitali Sharad HarsheAssistant ProfessorView Profile
    Ms. Ashwini MisalAssistant ProfessorView Profile
    Mr. Sushil MirasheAssistant ProfessorView Profile

    Junior College

    Name of FacultyDesignationProfile link
    Ms. Vimal GaikwadTeacher in junior collegeView Profile

    Class Rooms and Office

    The department has One dedicated classroom Assigned for the Post Graduation course.

    UG classes are held in college classrooms as per the college timetable.

    The department office is located in the Post graduate building on second floor. It has a good collection of textbooks and reference books and a computer with a printer and internet connectivity.

    Every Year the department conducts various academic and extra-curricular activities with the collaboration with reputed institution and organization. The activities consists of

  • guest lectures
  • exhibitions
  • field work
  • study tours
  • elocution
  • essay competitions etc.

  • Research guides

    Prof. Dr. Manjusha Musmade is approved research Guide in Economics in Savitribai Phule Pune University. Her two research students have been awarded the Ph.D. degree and four students are working for the same in her guidance.


  • Prof. Dr. Manjusha Musmade = Approx. 50+Research Papers
  • Mrs. Sonali More – Madhale = Published 12 Research papers
  • Mrs. Iramani Bhuyan = Published 10 Research papers
  • Mrs. Pramila Gaikwad = Published 5 Research papers
  • Mr. Vivek Datar = Published 7 Research papers

    Books Published

  • Prof. Dr. Manjusha Musmade = Authored and Co-authored more than 10 Books on the subject
  • Mrs. Sonali More – Madhale = Authored 1 Book on the subject
  • Mrs. Iramani Bhuyan = Authored and Co-authored 5 Books on the subject
  • Mrs. Pramila Gaikwad = Authored 1 Book on the subject
  • Mr. Vivek Datar - Co-authored more than 8 Books on the subject

    Student Projects

    UG (T.Y.B.A) and PG (M.A) student undertake research Projects as a part of their course and there is Prof. S. R. Walunjkar Best Project Award instituted by the department. The faculty provides research guidance to the students and motivates them to carry on further research and publications.

  • An Orientation Program is conducted for the fresher’s batch every year.
  • Contact numbers of the teachers are displayed in the department for the convenience of the students.
  • E-Learning Practices- class wise Whats App groups and Google Classrooms are set up for reaching out to all students for the information and guidance regarding the working of the department.
  • Various activities such as writing assignments, orals, group discussions, guest lectures, tests are conducted on online mode as per the requirement.
  • The faculty uses various online platforms such as YOUTUBE, blogs, emails, Google Meet, Zoom, Telegram, Jitsi etc. for
  • The department has a separate official email id (nwc.eco.dept@gmail.com) for the official correspondence.
  • Voluntary Mini Research Projects for UG/PG Students.
  • Placement – Bio-data records for campus interviews
  • Remedial Measures and extra guidance for Lagging and Backlog Students.
  • Charts, Sketches, Visuals on various socio-economic affairs are prepared and exhibited by the students.
  • Students are encouraged to make charts and posters on related topics of syllabus. They also make sketches of well-known economists with their brief introduction. These are displayed in the dept.
  • Economica – The In-house magazine. is edited and published by the department. The faculty and students of the department and also other departments contribute to the magazine.

  • Student Awards

    Our students excel in their academic pursuits as well as co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and competitions, and bring laurels to the department and college. To encourage the students, several prizes and awards have been instituted by the college, faculty and other stakeholders.

    1. UG Scholarships / Prizes / Awards

    2. Sir Manekji Mehta Prize – Highest in Economics at T.Y.B.A.
    3. Prin. Dr. N.B.Sapre Prize - Standing first in Economics at T.Y.B.A.
    4. Prof. P.S. Narayanprasad Prize - Standing first in Economics (T.Y.B.A.).
    5. The Premchand Royalchand Prize – Highest in Economics at F.Y.B.A.
    6. Prin. Dr. N.B.Sapre Prize - Highest in Economics at F.Y.B.A.

      PG Scholarships / Prizes / Awards

    7. Late Prof. S. R. Walunjkar Prize - Best Project Award.
    8. Bai Ratanbai Maneckbai Dhanjishaw Prize - First in the M.A.
    9. Principal Dr. N.B. Sapre Prize - First in the M.A.
    10. Prof. P.S. Narayanprasad Prize - First in the M.A.

    Glimpses at Department of Economics

    Illustrious Alumni

    The departmkent has a rich legacy. Our alumni are well placed and recognized in the society. Some of our illustrious alumni are:

  • Dr. Mukund Mahajan, Economist and Author
  • Mr. Yajuvendra Singh, Ex. Test Cricket Player
  • Prin. Dr. Kailas N. Bavale, Renowned Social Scientist and Activist
  • Mr. Bazir Shaikh, RBI Officer
  • Dr. Mohan Chaudhary, Research Guide, Asso. Professor – Ramkrishna More College, Akurdi.
  • Dr. Desta, Professor, US University
  • Mrs. Sonali More – Madhale, Asso. Professor, Nowrosjee Wadia College, Pune
  • Mr. Pravin Ransure, Head, S P College, Pune
  • Dr. Lata Dhende, Asst. Professor – Siddhivinayak College, Pune.
  • Dr. Rahul More, Asst. Professor – Abeda Inamdar College, Pune.